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Healthcare-adjacent organizations are thriving.

TBC's business and technical experts will help you build a resilient, secure, and scalable infrastructure to meet your most critical business challenges.

Have you aligned your business strategy with a standardized security framework?
How do you protect your patients'
PPI from exploitation?
Is your clinical data protected, available, and recoverable?
Do you trust your collaboration tools to securely transmit sensitive research data?

How can TBC help deliver
the outcomes you deserve?

TBC can provide the network and server capacity to run your systems and store the data you need  to:

  • Protect sensitive research & development data

  • Manage data volume for accessibility, storage capacity, and deliverability.

  • Use cloud-based infrastructure for better data storage, analytics, availability, resiliency, and flexibility

TBC can build and deploy your back-end IT infrastructure to establish governance and controls to:

  • Meet and exceed compliance requirements

  • Build security strategy into daily operations

  • Create controls around patient privacy, consent, and sensitive PPI data

  • Manage endpoints to secure personal devices used for biomedical work

TBC can protect data and provide 24/7/365 IT support and cybersecurity so you can enjoy:

  • Ongoing security monitoring and risk mitigation 

  • Data backup and recovery service to restore data after an interruption

  • Integrated tech tools with the people and processes needed to maintain your competitive edge in the healthcare field.




Case Study

Full IT infrastructure deployment for biomedical startup 

Learn more about how TBC implemented secure IT solutions for a biomedical laboratory. We can help you build a comprehensive, cloud-based IT infrastructure to securely manage and protect your clinical data and intellectual property.


TBC Solutions for the
Life Sciences Industry


Network Total Care

Secure management and continuous monitoring of your communications, data, and transactional business. With cloud-based, enterprise-grade solutions, TBC delivers full network visibility. Maintain performance and meet SLAs with expert care and client-focused teams.

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Security Monitoring

24/7/365 security coverage for IT assets; monitoring for anomalies, alert investigation, clear reporting, and improved response time. We use the best people, processes, and technology available.

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Integrated Asset Management

Asset Management tracks and governs systems, software, hardware, licenses and support contracts across enterprise environments. Streamline your procurement and contract processes. Protect functionality and manage the entire asset lifecycle.

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BaaS (Backup-as-a-Service)

Protect intellectual property, product schematics, and production data with a robust 3-2-1 data backup strategy. With BaaS, organizations can focus on service, while TBC supports back-end data storage and recoverability.

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Unified Endpoint Management

Securely manage various endpoint devices with centralized distribution of patches, policies, applications, and configurations. UEM can manage end-user accessibility to ensure that workers remain productive despite distributed locations. 

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Server Total Care

Server Total Care is TBC’s solution for monitoring, managing, and maintaining infrastructure and server endpoint systems within a client-owned environment. Coverage includes servers located in data centers as well as in cloud-based environments. 

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Securing your biomedical IT environment

Whether you are a biomedical start-up or seeking to modernize your legacy infrastructure, TBC's cloud-based IT solutions deliver secure, enterprise-level integration across multiple technologies, systems, and networks. 

TBC works for you. We can customize IT solutions to best meet your business objectives. We work closely with your teams to design, develop, and fully manage your IT operations. We will make sure your data is accessible, available, and secure so you can meet compliance regulations.

As a trusted MSP, TBC has the cloud expertise to help you streamline data management, implement remote oversight, minimize latency, increase efficiency, and provide overarching security across your digital landscape.

How can the biomedical industry benefit from centrally managed, enterprise-level, Hybrid Cloud infrastructure? A cloud platform can streamline operations, data management, cybersecurity, asset management, and provide remote oversight and controls over endpoints.

Responsive cloud technologies can safeguard your intellectual property and sensitive data with comprehensive security monitoring and data backups. Hybrid Cloud technologies can also give you the ability to pivot operations quickly and onboard/offboard employees in response to shifts in demand.

TBC's security and business experts understand the complexities of cloud deployment and can help build and implement your strategic roadmap. 


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